Blueberries are sweet, nutritious and wildly popular. They are so tasty and convenient that many people consider them their favorite fruit! Blueberries contains antioxidants and vitamins which have been shown to improve night vision as well as maintain general eye health. Do not be surprised if you are offered a blueberry smoothie or blueberry tea during one of our workshops.
What’s more, they are tasty, colorful and easily enjoyed and they make us happy! Come pick blueberries with us..
Blueberry Photography
Blueberry Photography was founded spring 2019 by Katrine Adler-Gjerde and Anne Lise Flavik. The company is built on our enthusiasm and passion for photography and events, which also is decisive for our way of working.
We arrange masterclasses, workshops and events to the business market, photographers, enthusiasts and kids.
We value talent, passion and curiosity, and believe that the qualities needed to succeed are enthusiasms, hard work and talent. You can do well with two of the properties, if one of them is enthusiasms. Without commitment and enthusiasm, any project will dissolve. We have tons of dedication and love to see our participants succeed, old, young, amateurs or professionals. Your best photos are probably still inside you and we can inspire you to create them and to expand your talent.
Katrine Adler-Gjerde
KATRINE ADLER-GJERDE - founder & ceo
Katrine has extensive experience from the supplier side in the photography industry through the companies in the Interfotogroup. For the past 10 years she has worked as general manager of Bresson AS, the Leica distributor in Norway. She has wide experience in marketing and branding and was in charge of building the Leica brand in the Norwegian marketplace and opening Norway's first Leica Store. From her experience in leadership she has a keen eye on planning, budgeting and sales. Katrine has arranged several workshops and masterclasses locally and abroad and she holds a Bachelor of Business specializing in photography from the United States.
Anne Lise Flavik
ANNE LISE FLAVIK - founder & creative director
Project manager and photographer Anne Lise Flavik has long experience in working independently and she has run various projects. She worked several years arranging workshop abroad with Morten Krogvold, Alex Webb / Rebecca Norris Webb, among others. For almost 10 years she was program-director and director of the Nordic Light International Center of Photography in Kristiansund. Additionally, Flavik has been project manager and editor for several books and she started and ran projects for the cultural site Smuget, among others. Since 2014 she has been building up and working as a project manager for Fotografihuset AS, which will be located in Oslo.
Photographs © Anne Lise Flavik